Who is Nanci K?
The first question I always get is who is Nanci K. Well Nanci K is my mom. Her name was Nanci Katherine and my grandparents ALWAYS called her Nanci K. I can't remember them ever calling her anything else.
When I was trying to figure out the name for this new venture in my life I was brainstorming all the things I love such as primates, yellow, books, crosswords, games, yoga, hockey, puzzles, coffee, so many things. None of these seemed to be right. My hubby didn't think using my name was the way to go either. As we were driving to the accountant to establish this whole thing, we were throwing out ideas, I said Nanci K Kreations, and Kevin really liked it. I texted my two best friends and they both loved it as well, so here we are. My mom passed away in March 2018, exactly five years from the inception of this, so it seemed as though it was meant to be this.
My mom always encouraged me to be an individual and be true to myself, even when the world pushed against this. I have tried to live my whole life this way and not cave to social pressures to fit in a particular box. Nanci K Kreations is just that; needlepoint designs that reflect my individuality, quirkiness and things I enjoy. I am glad you are here to join me in this journey.